A credit card at the same rate as your home loan? Why would you go anywhere else?!
You may be used to seeing credit card rates at 15%-20%. But now, as an exclusive offer to Empire Loans Loan clients, some of our home loans give you access to a Visa Credit card that has the same low interest rate as the loan!
We think they’re amongst the most competitive low rate credit cards available.
Instead of paying up to and over 20% as you would with a typical credit card, you pay only 5%-7% on your purchases. That’s an interest rate saving of up to 15% – it could save you thousands of dollars every year.
The opportunities are endless! Invest in modifications to your home, buy a new washing machine, even pay settlement fees or stamp duty costs on your loan. Best of all, no matter what you use it for, you pay the same low rate as your home loan. You can even balance-transfer your existing credit cards!
What are you waiting for? Make the most of the savings and contact us today!